Musical Glossay

The Farthest Castle of the Unknown World [Now on Sale!]

There is another world unknown to the Farthest Castle of the year 2014 All Japan Band Music Competition. It is not just a revised version or a rearrangement. You will witness the parallel world! →Full Score, Parts & some benefits


Speed ​​indicator. Very fast.

【Immediately, in a hurry】 adverb in Italian.

Although it is not decided in particular how fast it is faster than allgro.

However, at that time, the position of a professional musician was low that it is impossible to think that a person of a wealthy house lives with music. I did not seem to think that Mussorgsky would become a musician at all. At the age of 13 he entered the military officer at the Army Konoe Military Academy and received education as a soldier. Naturally there is no environment to study music. However it seems that piano practice continued in such circumstances. And the first work "Memorial polka" will be born. "Flag hand" seems to be a soldier indeed. It is said that this song was published with my father's contribution. Truly rich!

I continued studying music like this, but when I graduated from school at the age of 17, I joined the Pleio Brazen skiing regiment and became a soldier. At this time I will meet Borodin, a member of "5 people". I also got to know Kui and Barakirefu. In the meantime I will be taking lessons at Barakiref and I will write many works.

Mussorgsky becomes mentally unstable at the age of 19 and quits the army in the summer. After that the lesson of Varakiref continued and I studied about the orchestra. Mussorgsky has produced patriotic spirit from this time and produces work closely related to Russian and Russian culture.

He frequently experienced mental weakness, and became economically struggling with the Russian "serf liberation order". As a result, few works have been completed until completion. When I was 24 years old, I got a job to the Ministry of Transportation, and when I was 27, I climbed to the advisory officer, but the following year I got fired. In the background, when my mother died when I was 26 years old, I have been alcoholic. While thinking deeply about art, it was spiritually ruffled.

I will be an official of the Ministry of National Property again at the age of 30. The work also went well. However, this time the unfortunate things such as the opera can not be performed because of the theater's circumstances will continue and the completed work will be reduced.



」も完成しました。しかしその後も精神的に不安定であったことにはかわりはなく、そのうち音楽仲間とも疎遠となっていきました。 41歳のとき役人を辞すとムソルグスキーは「ホヴァーンシチナ


After that, life has collapsed, and when he was hospitalized with alcoholism and mental abnormality, he left the world at the age of 42.

Representative song




」、 歌曲「死の歌と踊り



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