Musical Glossay
The Farthest Castle of the Unknown World [Now on Sale!]
There is another world unknown to the Farthest Castle of the year 2014 All Japan Band Music Competition. It is not just a revised version or a rearrangement. You will witness the parallel world! →Full Score, Parts & some benefits
gestopft, stop, bouche, chuiso
A method of playing a sound by plugging a bell with a right hand in a horn. Both stop and hand mute. It becomes metallic unique tone. Just tighten it with the palm of your hand instead of thrusting your hands. The pitch becomes higher by a semitone in F tube and by 3/4 note in B B tube. Therefore, it plays with fingering which is usually a semitone lower F tube. Bb single instrument has a ghetto key, so if you press it it will be 3/4 tone lower and the pitch will be corrected. But note that the pitch varies depending on the pitch range and the delicate position of the right hand. Please note that it is different from mute!
Instructions for gesthat rendition are various and may be indicated by letters, sometimes "+" above or below the note. When returning to normal playing method, write "o" or written as open, offen, ouvert etc. Also, when instructed as "+", the next not playing sound is returned to the normal playing method. There is a geste top mute for cases where gesthat performance is difficult depending on the size and range of the hand, but it is somewhat different from the real gesh top.
How to use the "+" sign may differ depending on the composer. In most cases it represents Gesht playing style, but in rare cases it may mean muting. Although it is difficult to distinguish it, it is difficult to distinguish between the relationship between the front and back (attaching mute, taking time to remove, etc considered) and the relationship with other parts (such as whether the same sign is used other than horn), the character of music (What tone color, volume is preferable, etc.), and the like. The sense of the performer is questioned. After that, there is no choice but to ask the composer himself.
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